14 February 2012

happy valentines day.... and ish like that.

right, valentines day is today. honestly to me it sounds like just another tuesday nothing really special. infact the only thing that makes this valentines day really speacial is that i have a mechanics (mechanical engineering that is....not like the car stuff, lol) test tomorrow so i get to study for that. how exciting right?! the life of an engineer.

i guess there are things that you think of that have to do with love and marriage and family and friends and all of that romantic ish. i feel like a lot of times as girls we get all worried about relationships always assuming that something wont work out or that something is wrong. i mean, we're girls right?! its what we do for heaven sakes! so i was worried about this girly ish.

sometimes i pray to my HF to ask him what i should be doing or how i should be doing things and 90% of the time i feel like i dont get an answer. i think a lot of the time he allows me to make decisions on my own because he trusts that i'll do whats right and if i do what's right He'll let me know.

last night/this morning i decided to make one of those decisions on my own. at first i wasn't sure that the decision i was making would be a good one because lets face it, when we take our decisions to HF we all kind of feel inadequate, i mean talking to the most powerful being, the person who knows everything and saying, "hi, um...i've made this decision...is that okay?" its kind of scary. so i decided what i did and i let Him know.

i had to trust in myself and hope that this decision was a good one. and you know what? it was. 

im not much of a crier, in fact i hate crying. i hate it because it makes me feel week and usually when i cry its because i'm sad. thinking about it i've only really cried one time because i was happy. the day that that happened was my baptism. it was the best day. up until this morning that had been the only time i've ever been so overjoyed that i actually cried.

i dunno, i guess what i'm trying to get at is that i made a decision and told HF and now i know that everything is going to be alright. i know that He approves and now i dont have to worry anymore. 

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